sustainability & Community Impact

At TNT, we focus on delivering what we promise to customers- safe, family fun. We want to ignite moments of celebration and spark timeless memories. But beyond that, we want our impact to be long-lasting, just like the moments we help to create. We choose to lead through change by aiming for the highest performance with the lowest environmental footprint possible. We are connected to our customers through memorable experiences, so we owe it to them to make a difference in their lives and their futures.

Our commitment is to the people, places, and products that make us TNT. We want to create a more sustainable future for all of these things by doing business the right way- striving for quality, safety, and sustainability. Our strategy focuses on two different categories with a diverse portfolio of initiatives; however, they’re all interconnected and have sets of specific goals and targets. When highlighting sustainability, we have initiatives focusing on eliminating waste, reducing our carbon footprint, sourcing sustainably, and conserving water. We want to have an ethical supply chain that creates high-quality, long lasting products; however, we also know we leave an impact on our surroundings and it is our responsibility to lead the way and making sure it’s the right one. Within our community involvement, we strive to back the people that are the foundation of what we do. We take care of those involved in our supply chain, support our customers and the things that matter to them, and help those that are in need. As a business rooted in the focus of family, we take care of the people that we are connected to and care about.


Waste Reduction

Our waste reduction begins with optimizing product design. We have made product packaging reductions to minimize the amount of material needed while also increasing volumetric efficiency. These improved designs eliminate excess waste without impacting product performance. For fireworks, this means that you still get the same amount of pyrotechnic composition, duration of effects, and uniqueness of effects- but with sustainable packaging.

In addition, we put an emphasis on recycling within our value chain. Our manufacturing partners recycle 1,189 metric tons of corrugated materials per year during item production. Within our own distribution centers, we also recycle 395 metric tons of corrugate annually during the handling and shipping of our products.

Climate Impact

We are working to cut the carbon footprint left by our supply chain. Our products start overseas when produced and are transported by barge, ship, rail, and truck in order to arrive at the storefront domestically. As a result of our optimized packaging designs, we have increased the efficiency of our transportation fleet. This reduces our carbon emissions by lowering the number of transportation miles needed for our products by 36,508 miles. This greenhouse gas reduction helps to drastically minimize the impact our supply chain has on the environment.

Responsible Manufacturing

We make it a priority to source sustainably. We carefully consider our materials and work with our production partners in doing so. Initially, this occurs by using recycled materials. Our manufacturing partners utilize post-consumer recycled content in the production of our fireworks and their packaging. Each year, this equates to an estimated 7,914 metric tons of recycled paper-based and plastic materials.

We also strive to use other sustainable inputs for our packaging. The majority of the secondary packaging used by our vendors features Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)-certified corrugate content. SFI certification recognizes materials made of wood, timber, or paper that came from legal and responsible sources.

Water Use & Conservation

We work to protect Earth’s water. We know that our water supply is limited and our consumption impacts the economy, the environment, and our way of life. With water playing such a critical role in the lives of so many, we want to improve water availability by educating the public on ways they can work together to save water. We help consumers rethink the way they use water in order to make a difference in the future of our environment.

Our public safety messages assist customers with finding methods to protect their water supply. Our “Let Your Firework Take a Bath” messaging looks to help consumers keep events safe while increasing the efficiency of their water use. We want to ensure that water is there when we need it, so it’s important that we all do our part.

Community Impact

Social Responsibility: Supply Chain

We have an immense respect for labor laws and human rights, so we believe it is our responsibility to maintain a safe and ethical environment with our manufacturing partners. We rely on thousands of third-party workers to produce products that match our standards of quality, performance, and sustainability, so we make sure that our global supply chain is managed ethically for the rights and dignity of the people who manufacture our products. We strive to provide opportunities to help continually improve the environment of our supply chain workers.

In order to achieve this goal, we work with third-party auditors to evaluate and ensure responsible and transparent supply chain partnerships. We conduct an annual audit that validates the safe and fair practices of our suppliers and factories. Our auditing standards and expectations highlight factors like fair employment treatment, safe labor conditions, reasonable pay and hours, and no discrimination. We want to help our suppliers understand the purpose of these requirements as well as implement systems that will keep them intact. Commitment to honesty and shared values on both sides keeps these working relationships effective and responsible.

Support of Non-Profit Organizations

Our purpose lies within the individuals of our local communities. We strive to help bring people together for meaningful moments, but we look to take it a step further by supporting the causes that they want to celebrate. We believe every community should be able to access the resources they need to help them thrive, so we work to empower organizations and causes that are important to them. Thousands of non-profit groups nationwide use TNT Fireworks stands and tents as their primary fundraising solution.

The TNT Fireworks Fundraising Parking Lot Program Event assists local non-profit groups and individuals in raising funds that go back into the community.

Sampling of Groups

Youth Groups - Camps, Swim Clubs, Theater, Pep Squads, FFA, Music and Arts, etc.
Booster Clubs - Band, Football, Volleyball, Baseball, etc.
Youth Sports - Little League, Karate, Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance, Wrestling, etc.
Civic - Habitat for Humanity, Lions Club, Kiwanis/Ruritan, American Legion, Shriners/Masons, Food Pantries, etc.
Volunteer Fire Departments
Veterans Associations
Foster and Adoptive Families
Friends of Animals

Giving Back

We support several different philanthropic initiatives each year. We focus on creating good in a wide variety of areas that are important to us. We use our business strengths to give back and impact those in need. Last year, the Anderson Foundation contributed to a variety of different charity organizations.

We also conduct several philanthropic fundraising events of our own. TNT has held the Jeff Dropo Run 4 Kids for 14 years straight. The run benefits Smile-A-Mile, a year-round Alabama program providing hope, healing, and love during the childhood cancer journey, and most recently, the National Brain Tumor Society, which is the largest patient advocacy organization in the United States committed to curing brain tumors and improving the lives of patients and families. In an effort to support all fighting kidney disease and failure in the state of Alabama, we support the Alabama Kidney Walk & Celebration, which is held to benefit the Alabama Kidney Foundation. We also hold annual auctions and bake sales to benefit the children of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and support the Salvation Army through our employee’s volunteered service for the holiday bellringing.